Georgia is 21 years old. She is currently studying to become a Medical Assistant. In 2007 Georgia was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and in 2011 she relapsed. During her second battle with ALL her family benefited from The Izzy Foundation in many ways, but she remembers it helping her younger sister, Maggie, the most.
Maggie would come to visit her at the hospital when she was receiving in-patient treatments and the Izzy Room was a place for her to go when an emergency occurred or her parents had to speak with the doctors and nurses. The Izzy Room was a safe space where she could go with other family members and feel included and secure.
During Georgia’s relapse treatments between 2011 and 2013, she had the opportunity to meet Izzy and her family at the Tomorrow Fund Clinic where they would do activities together and make the best of a scary time. Because of that meeting and time spent together, The Izzy Foundation holds a special place in her heart. Georgia is honored to get the chance to continue Izzy’s legacy by giving back to other children who are in the same place that she was for so many years.
Office Location:
151 Broadway, Suite 200
Providence, RI 02903
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2326
Providence, RI 02906
Phone: (401) 331-IZZY (4999)
The Izzy Foundation is a national nonprofit located in Providence, Rhode Island whose mission is to design, fund and IZspire creative projects and programs for families whose children have cancer or other life altering medical conditions to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE and PLAY.
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