Andy Board Member Andy is a rising high school junior. In 2023, his older brother was diagnosed with a variant of Ewing’s Sarcoma. As a result, Andy experienced, firsthand, the benefits of the Izzy Family Room and The Izzy Foundation. When he spent time visiting his brother in the hospital, the Izzy Family Room was …
Cristina Board Member Cristina was diagnosed with cancer in 2011 and through The Izzy Foundation her parents were able to find hope in knowing that their daughter was going to be ok. They were comforted by the families and patients that they met along the way as it helped them in realizing they were not …
Julianna Board Member Julianna is a current High School Junior at Toll Gate High School. She is part of the Varsity Cheer Team, Concert Band, Environmental Club, Science Olympiad Team and the President of the Book Club. Julianna has had three spinal cord surgeries where the Izzy Foundation was a huge help while …
Kora Board Member Throughout her childhood, Kora got involved with the Rhode Island Ovarian Cancer Alliance. Ever since, she has been passionate about spreading awareness and supporting those with cancer. Her knowledge of cancer grew overtime since her mom was an oncology nurse for many years. Kora wanted an opportunity to help patients that are …
Matthew Board Member Matthew is a rising Senior in high school. At the beginning of Covid in 2020, his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. His mother is now fully recovered, but he cannot forget how difficult it was during that time period for his family. By joining The Izzy Foundation’s Y.O.U.T.H. Board, Matthew hopes …
Rachael Board Member My name is Rachael Wilmarth and I am in 8th grade at Barrington Middle School. I was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia in 2018. Thankfully, my parents acted very quickly and got me the best care possible at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. It was there I learned about The Izzy …